Why a ball of thread is not a toy for a kitten: veterinarians never tire of reminding us of this

18.04.2024 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Cats love to play with many objects in the house.

However, not all such games are safe for your pet.

Why is it unsafe for cats to play with a ball of thread

Despite the famous image of a cute kitten playing with a ball of knitting wool, it is extremely unsafe for your pet to play with ropes, threads and ribbons.

The thing is that the animal can swallow them and choke.

Remember, if a cat has a rope sticking out of its mouth or rectum, you cannot pull it out.


This can damage the animal's throat or intestines.

What other objects are harmful for cats to play with

Unfortunately, playing with a cat with a laser pointer can also be unsafe for the animal.

The fact is that the laser can lead to chronic dissatisfaction in the cat.

After all, the pet does not have the opportunity to finally catch the cherished light.

Therefore, cats experience a lot of stress and frustration.

Previously, we told you how to stop your cat from damaging furniture.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why is it unsafe for cats to play with a ball of thread
  2. What other objects are harmful for cats to play with