How to clean a bathroom mirror without leaving a single stain behind: nothing better than this product has yet been invented

21.05.2024 01:00

Often, after cleaning mirrors, streaks remain. In addition, mirrors quickly become dirty again.

How to properly clean a bathroom mirror

To clean a bathroom mirror, lightly dampen the surface with water.

For example, using a spray bottle or wiping with a damp cloth.

Then gently wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth. For example, microfiber. Paper napkins or towels will also work.

The surface should always be damp, but not too damp. For serious stains, you can use an aqueous solution of table vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This product will help you easily wash off even limescale deposits on the bathroom mirror, as well as old stains from soap and toothpaste.

Treat the surface with vinegar and leave for a few minutes.

Then rinse everything off with water, wipe the mirror dry or polish it with a paper towel until it shines.

In addition, you can use medical or ammonia to clean mirrors.

If you don't have alcohol, use vodka or lotion with alcohol to cleanse.

Wipe the mirror well with a microfiber cloth moistened with alcohol; you can repeat the procedure several times if necessary.

These products will effectively remove various types of dirt: soap, limescale, rust, toothpaste.

Also, after cleansing there will be no streaks or cloudy surface.

Previously, we told you how to use aspirin at home.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource