How to wash underwear so that it does not stick to the body when worn: things are always clean and soft

29.03.2022 13:15

Linen has to be washed frequently, especially white blouses, which are difficult to remove from yellow stains under the armpits and on the collar.

After a series of washes, over time, light-colored clothes begin to fade and get shade of grey.

How to wash clothes so that the fabric does not lose color

There are many ways to keep clothes white after washing.

Each housewife chooses for herself her own way of how to bleach and wash things so that they do not lose their form and remain as good as new.

One simple trick allows you to ensure that your things will not fade for a long time and retain their color.

Foto: Pixabay

This trick is often used in laundries, where have to wash a lot of clothes.

A life hack is to use vinegar when washing. You can take the usual 9%. Vinegar (1 cup) is poured into the conditioner compartment. The product must be used at the rinsing stage, if we are talking about hand washing.

After washing with vinegar, things please to the eye with whiteness and bright colors. It returns softness and fluffiness to things, if we are talking about woolen things, towels.

After rinsing in vinegar water, towels and bathrobes are pleasant to use and wear, they do not scratch the skin.

Moreover, things that stick to the body when worn do not gain static electricity after washing with vinegar.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource