What to drip on the stove from fat, so as not to wash it every day: an easy trick

28.04.2022 10:15

With frequent cooking, grease and soot accumulate on the surface of the stove. For this reason, it should be washed as often as possible.

Nevertheless, the cleanliness of the hob, burners and handles has to be taken care of daily.

If these items are dirty, it will create a negative impression of visiting the house.

In addition, a large number of germs will accumulate on the stove, which is simply unacceptable in the kitchen.

However, washing the stove is a tedious task. Not every housewife wants to spend time and effort on this.

gas stove’s
Foto: Pixabay

However, there is a way that helps to keep the stove clean for a long time.

Experienced housewives recommend paying attention to car wax. According to them, just a small amount of this product can protect the stove from sticking of liquids and food debris.

It creates a special film on the surface, which does not allow scale or soot to be absorbed, which means that all contaminants can be removed very easily with a sponge.

Before application, the plate should be thoroughly washed and then degreased with a small amount of alcohol.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource