Animals growing huge in nature: Learn more about wildlife

19.09.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Have you ever wondered how some animals manage to grow so huge in nature?

While most animals can't grow as big as they used to a few millions ago, some varieties still manage to grow impressively big.

Here are a few reasons for that.

Slow and Steady Growth

Instead of growing quickly, these animals grow slowly over a long time. It's like how a small plant becomes a big tree by growing a bit each day.

Protective Features

Many big animals have strong, tough parts that protect them, like thick skin, shells, or scales. These protective features help them survive and keep growing.


Lots of Food

Some big animals live in places with plenty of food to eat. When they have lots of food available and not many things trying to eat them, they can keep growing bigger.

Meanwhile, animals of the past used to be way bigger than they are now. But why?

More Oxygen

In the past, there was a lot more oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere compared to today. 

Oxygen is essential for animals to breathe and survive. 

With more oxygen, animals could extract more energy from the air, which allowed them to grow larger.

Different Climate

The climate and temperature on Earth were different in the past. 

Some periods in history were warmer and more humid, creating an environment where plants grew larger and provided more food for herbivorous animals. 

This abundance of food allowed some animals to grow bigger to take advantage of the available resources.


In the past, animals could be bigger because of the different climate and oxygen levels of their environment.

Nowadays, some animals can become huge just when they have plenty of food and no predators.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Slow and Steady Growth
  2. Protective Features
  3. Lots of Food
  4. More Oxygen
  5. Different Climate
  6. Conclusion