Dreaming pets: Learn more about your pets

03.12.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Pet owners can often see their pets moving while sleeping - they move their paws, shiver, and sometimes even vocalize.

But do they see real dreams? And if they do, then what could they dream about?

Let's find out more.

We still don't know for sure

The question of whether pets see dreams is still a subject of scientific inquiry. 

While it is challenging to determine exactly what animals experience during sleep, research suggests that some animals, including mammals like dogs and cats, exhibit brain activity patterns during sleep that resemble those associated with dreaming in humans. 


These patterns, known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, indicate heightened brain activity and are often linked to dream-like states in humans.

Observations of animals during REM sleep have shown various behaviors, such as twitching, paw movements, and vocalizations, which resemble the actions they perform when awake. 

These observations suggest that animals may be engaged in some form of dream-like experience during REM sleep. 

For example, dogs may exhibit running or chasing movements, while cats may show hunting behaviors.

It's not that simple

However, since animals cannot communicate their subjective experiences, it is challenging to definitively determine whether they have dreams or what the content of those dreams might be. 

The inner experiences of animals during sleep remain largely a mystery. 

Further scientific research is needed to gain a deeper understanding of the dream-like states in animals and to unravel the complexities of their sleeping minds.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. We still don't know for sure
  2. It's not that simple