Flat bowls are better for cats: Pet owner's tips

19.02.2024 21:37
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

When choosing a good food bowl for your cat' pay attention to its shape and height - it can be more important than you might think.

Cat whiskers are extremely sensitive, so the shape of the bowl can easily damage or deform them, which can cause discomfort.

Let's find out more about how it works.

Slower Eating

Flat food bowls encourage cats to eat at a more moderate pace. 

cat bowl

When cats eat too quickly, they can swallow air along with their food, leading to digestive discomfort, such as bloating and gas. 

Slower eating also helps in better digestion and reduces the risk of vomiting immediately after meals.

Less Whisker Stress

Cats' whiskers are highly sensitive and can become stressed or overstimulated when they come into contact with the sides of deep food bowls. 

This is often referred to as "whisker fatigue." Whisker fatigue can cause discomfort and anxiety for cats. 

Flat, shallow bowls eliminate this issue, allowing cats to eat without whisker stress.

Hydration Habits

Cats prefer to have their water source separate from their food. Using flat food bowls for feeding keeps their water dish clean and easily accessible. 

This can encourage cats to drink more water, which is crucial for their overall health, as many cats tend to be somewhat finicky about water sources.


Flat bowls are easier for cats to access, making mealtime more comfortable for kittens, senior cats, or those with mobility issues. 

Deep bowls can be challenging for cats with arthritis or joint problems, as they may have difficulty reaching the food at the bottom.


In summary, flat food bowls promote better eating habits, reduce discomfort, encourage proper hydration, and make mealtime more accessible for cats. 

These factors collectively contribute to the overall health and well-being of your feline companion.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource