Getting rid of cat's fleas: Help your pet

21.10.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Fleas can be not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous - they can make your cat weak, nervous, and constantly stressed.

If you notice that your cat has fleas, then it's time to act immediately, so you can save your pet.

Here are a few things you can do.

Use Flea Medication

Apply the prescribed flea medication following the vet's instructions. 

Topical treatments are usually applied to the back of your cat's neck to prevent them from licking it off. Oral medications are administered by mouth. 

stray cat

Ensure you use the right dosage for your cat's size.

Flea Shampoo

You can bathe your cat with a cat-specific flea shampoo. This shampoo is designed to kill fleas on contact. 

Be gentle while bathing your cat, as most felines don't enjoy being in water.

Flea Comb

Use a fine-toothed flea comb to remove fleas and flea dirt from your cat's fur. Do this over a white paper towel, and have a bowl of soapy water nearby. 

If you catch fleas or flea dirt, dip the comb into the soapy water to drown them.

Wash Bedding and Toys

Launder your cat's bedding, blankets, toys, and any washable items they use. 

Use hot water and dry them on high heat to ensure any fleas and eggs are eliminated.

Vacuum Your Home

Fleas can infest your home, not just your cat. Vacuum your floors, carpets, and furniture thoroughly. 

Pay extra attention to areas where your cat spends a lot of time. 

After vacuuming, immediately dispose of the vacuum bag or empty and clean the canister to prevent fleas from escaping.

Treat Your Home

Consider using a household flea spray or flea fogger that is safe for pets. 

Follow the instructions carefully and make sure to ventilate your home properly. 

This step helps eliminate fleas and their eggs in your living space.


By following these detailed steps, you can effectively eliminate fleas from your cat and prevent their return. 

Always consult with your vet for the most suitable and safe flea treatment for your specific feline friend.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Use Flea Medication
  2. Flea Shampoo
  3. Flea Comb
  4. Wash Bedding and Toys
  5. Vacuum Your Home
  6. Treat Your Home
  7. Conclusion