Good to Know: How to Establish Contact with a Dog

30.10.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Japanese scientists have found that when communicating with dogs, their owners undergo the same chemical processes in their brains as during contact with loved ones - the hormone oxytocin is released in large quantities.

How to establish contact with someone else's dog

To get to know someone else's dog, you need to give it time and the opportunity to make contact on its own.

There is no need to pester the dog, climb with hugs, or tilt your face for a kiss.

A kind dog may lick you from the first minute, but a dog with a stricter character may respond to familiarity with aggression.

How not to treat a dog


Dog breeders advise: when meeting a dog, do not wave your arms, do not shout, do not look into its eyes and, no matter how strange it may sound, do not smile.

The dog may perceive all these actions as a threat and rush to defend itself.

How to tell if your dog doesn't trust you

If your dog behaves calmly when you leave the house, then he trusts you.

She understands that a person needs to go and he will definitely come.

But if the dog behaves aggressively, barks, barks, jumps, runs and so on, then he does not trust you.

How to restore a dog's trust in its owner

Stroke, scratch and hug the dog more often, talk to it in a gentle voice.

But don’t be intrusive: if the dog avoids you, pause, and after a while offer contact again.

Increase the number and time of walks.

When walking, offer your dog activities that are fun and interesting to him.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to establish contact with someone else's dog
  2. How to tell if your dog doesn't trust you
  3. How to restore a dog's trust in its owner