How to prepare a dog for a visit to the vet: important rules that owners need to consider

30.03.2024 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

A trip to the veterinarian is always stressful for an animal. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare your pet for a trip to the doctor.

How to prepare your dog for a trip to the vet

If your veterinarian appointment is scheduled in the morning, skip the morning feeding.

If it’s after lunch, you can give the dog some food in the morning.

Before going to the doctor, carefully collect your pet’s documents and place the dog in a carrier bag or on a pre-prepared car seat.

Don't forget to bring a favorite toy or small treat that your dog enjoys.


This will make your pet feel calmer on the road and at the doctor’s appointment.

Three days in advance, wash the puppy and comb its coat. 6 hours before going to the doctor, do not give your dog food.

On the day of your veterinarian visit, limit your pet's contact with other people or animals.

If the clinic is located far away, take your pet for a walk in advance.

If the veterinary clinic is within walking distance, walk the expected path in advance - it is best to take several walks so that the route to the clinic becomes familiar to your pet.

Finally, if your dog is truly having difficulty visiting the vet, talk to your veterinarian about other options.

We previously discussed whether it is safe for dogs to chew sticks.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource