How to understand that your pet fish is sick: The main signs that something is wrong

10.06.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Animals can't tell their owners when they feel unwell, and fish don't communicate with their owners at all.

But you still can see the signs that your fish isn't right, and take good care of your pet.

Here are some of them.

Loss of appetite

If your fish is not eating or showing reduced interest in food, it may be a sign of an underlying health issue. 

Monitor their feeding habits closely and observe if they are actively avoiding food or spitting it out.


Physical abnormalities

Look for any physical changes in your fish. 

This can include visible wounds, sores, growths, lesions, discoloration, or fin deterioration. 

Changes in swimming patterns

Notice if your fish is having difficulty swimming, is floating or sinking uncontrollably, or has trouble maintaining balance. 

Labored breathing

Observe your fish's gills and check if they are breathing rapidly, gasping for air at the water surface, or exhibiting signs of labored breathing. 

Rapid or irregular gill movement, flared gills, or coughing can indicate respiratory distress or poor water quality.

Erratic or excessive rubbing

If your fish is constantly rubbing itself against objects in the aquarium, it may be a sign of skin irritation or the presence of parasites. 

Changes in waste production

Any significant changes in the color, consistency, or frequency of their waste can be indicative of digestive issues, infections, or other health problems.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Physical abnormalities
  3. Changes in swimming patterns
  4. Labored breathing
  5. Erratic or excessive rubbing
  6. Changes in waste production