Important to Know: Why a Cat May Follow its Owner

02.10.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

As it turned out, in order to know where the owner is, the cat does not even need to see him, since he retains a mental image of his loved one.

This was confirmed by experiments by Japanese scientists from Kyoto University, whose research was published in the journal PLOS One.

Why do cats follow people

Your cat wants to enjoy every second of your presence and jumps at every opportunity to spend time with you.

The animal adores you so much that it will follow you around the house.

Your pet would be happy to even sleep in the same bed with you, not to mention her constant requests to cuddle and pet her.


In addition, cats cannot express their feelings in words, so they convey their feelings through body language.

An animal that may be suffering from illness or experiencing excessive stress may increase body movements and behavior.

This may include watching the owner everywhere or trying to stay as close to you as possible.

Why is the cat looking at me

Cats are known to be curious, so when your cat watches you, it could just be to see what you'll do for fun.

There is always a chance that your actions will lead to something the cat wants, such as food or attention.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do cats follow people
  2. Why is the cat looking at me