Important to Know: Why You Should Adopt a Dog from a Shelter

17.08.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

By taking an animal from a shelter, you save two lives at once, as there will be a place for saving another tail that is in trouble.

When you adopt an animal from a shelter, you are helping to reduce the number of homeless cats and dogs.

Why you should adopt a dog from a shelter

Why help homeless animals? First of all, because they are defenseless and cannot help themselves. Their lives literally depend on us, so turning a blind eye to the problem is not an option.

With every dog taken from a shelter, there is a chance for a new life for those who are on the street, who survive and fight for life every day. It is very important to help, save, make homeless and outbred dogs home, and not only they need it. This is what we humans need too.

Whenever we save dogs, we save the person inside of us every time. However, when shelter dogs were followed to their new homes within six months of being brought home, Ohio State University (OSU) researchers studied that pets exhibited negative behaviors. Such as aggression towards strangers or training problems.


What to do with a shelter dog

A pet from a shelter needs to be shown to a veterinarian, because his health may not have been given due attention. You can do this even before moving to a new home, or conduct a detailed medical examination after adaptation, when the pet gets used to the owner and begins to trust him.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why you should adopt a dog from a shelter
  2. What to do with a shelter dog