Important Tip from the Veterinarian: Where to Look for Ticks on a Dog

10.05.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Ticks are a big problem not only for people, but also for animals. These blood-sucking insects are found in dry and tall grass, bushes and are often attached to dogs. In the article, we will tell you exactly where on the pet you need to look for stuck ticks.

How to quickly find a tick

Ticks are carriers of deadly diseases.

Therefore, you need to examine the dog immediately after walking on the street.

Running your hands over the pet, you will feel some bumps and bumps.

To remove the tick, it is better to take the dog to the veterinarian.


If you have the skill to remove ticks yourself, follow all safety rules.

Where to look for ticks on a dog

Sometimes ticks are hard to find. For example, because of thick wool.

The tick can be anywhere, but tend to prefer the same places.


First, check the face, head, eyelids and ears of your pet.

Don't forget to check the creases inside the ears as well.

If your dog is shaking his head or scratching, this could also be a sign of a tick.


Examine the spaces between your toes and the bottom of your pet's foot.

It is also a common site for ticks to attach.

Tail and groin

Since ticks like dark and damp places on the body, they are often located in the groin and under the tail of the animal.

Carefully inspect the dog's skin under the coat, use a comb.

Under the collar

It is also a dark and damp place on the animal's body.

Therefore, be sure to check the pet's skin under the collar.

Armpit area

This is a hard-to-reach place for human skin inspection, but another favorite place for ticks.

Carefully inspect this place with your pet.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to quickly find a tick
  2. Where to look for ticks on a dog
  3. Head
  4. Paws
  5. Tail and groin
  6. Under the collar
  7. Armpit area