Interesting Facts: Why Cats Purr

29.08.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Researchers report much more interest in research on dog behavior than felines, a discrepancy that to a certain extent comes down to simple practical reasons, such as the natural obedience of dogs versus felines.

Why do cats purr

Cats purr for various reasons: from pleasure, when you caress him, scratch behind his ear; small kittens make a vibrating sound so that their mother cat can understand where they are and feed them; many cats endure purring from a request to their mother into adulthood.

This sound is an integral feature of all purrs, which means gratitude to the owner for delicious food and affection. The cat purrs like a tractor when it shows its tenderness and love.

It is common for mothers of cats to purr while feeding or licking kittens.

Why does a cat caress and then bites

Manifestation of love.


A common situation - a cat caresses, and then bites. This can be explained by the fact that they love attention very much.

If the owner does not respond to advances, this can cause resentment, which will be expressed in such an unusual way.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do cats purr
  2. Why does a cat caress and then bites