Learn more about nature: Artistic skills – animals that can surprise you

17.01.2024 17:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

While people might think that only humans know what art is, some animals might have unusual artistic skills that might surprise you.

Lots of animals, birds, and even fish have their own sense of beauty, so they use it for various benefits.

Here are a few examples of quite artistic animals.


These intelligent and dexterous animals have been taught to paint using their trunks. 

With a brush dipped in paint, elephants create strokes on canvases placed before them.


They can vary the pressure and angle of their trunks to produce different brushstrokes and create colorful and abstract artworks. 

Some elephants even exhibit a sense of composition and can be trained to paint specific shapes or objects.


Chimps, our closest living relatives, possess impressive cognitive abilities, including artistic expression. 

They have been observed using tools like brushes or their own fingers to apply paint onto surfaces. 

Chimpanzees display a range of artistic styles, from bold and expressive brushstrokes to intricate patterns. 

Their artworks often feature a mix of vibrant colors and abstract forms, and some chimps have even shown preferences for certain colors or techniques.


Male bowerbirds are renowned for their elaborate courtship displays, which involve creating intricate structures called "bowers." 

These avian artists meticulously arrange a variety of objects, such as colorful feathers, flowers, stones, and shells, in specific patterns around their bowers. 

The careful selection and placement of these objects showcase the bird's artistic sense and aim to attract potential mates. 

The bowers themselves can be considered stunning sculptures created by these birds.


These intelligent and adaptable creatures have been observed displaying artistic behaviors in captivity. 

Octopuses can use their dexterous tentacles to create patterns and arrange objects in their environment. 

Some octopuses have been seen making intricate designs in the sand or arranging shells and rocks in visually appealing ways. 

These artistic displays are believed to serve various purposes, including territory marking, nest building, or communication.

Previously, we talked about pet obesity.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Elephants
  2. Chimpanzees
  3. Bowerbirds
  4. Octopuses