When a harness is better than a leash: Pet owner's tips

27.10.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

While dog owners are used to different types of leashes, lots of people overlook the benefits of using harnesses.

Though they aren't suitable for all dogs, they can be quite beneficial and way more convenient for some breeds.

Here are some great things about using a pet harness instead of a leash.


A harness is designed to distribute pressure more evenly across your pet's body.

When you attach a leash to a collar around your pet's neck, any pulling or tugging can cause discomfort and strain on their neck and throat. 


This is especially problematic for smaller dogs or those that tend to pull while walking. In contrast, a harness fits around the chest and shoulders, which are more muscular and better equipped to handle pressure. 


Safety is a crucial consideration. With a traditional collar and leash, there's a risk of injury, especially if your pet pulls forcefully or suddenly lunges. 

In such cases, the pressure on the neck can lead to choking, tracheal damage, or even back and neck injuries. 

A harness, by contrast, reduces the risk of these injuries by dispersing the force more evenly across your pet's body.

Better Control

When you walk your pet with a leash attached to a collar, they may have a tendency to pull or get too excited. 

With a harness, it's easier to manage their movements and guide them in the desired direction. 

This improved control can make walks more enjoyable for both you and your pet.

Reduced Escape Risk

Some pets are escape artists and can slip out of collars, especially if they have small heads or are particularly wiggly. 

A harness reduces the chances of escape because it fits more securely around the body, making it harder for your pet to wiggle out of it.


In summary, a harness is a safer and more comfortable option for walking your pet, reducing the risk of injury, providing better control, and making the experience more enjoyable for both you and your furry friend.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Comfort
  2. Safety
  3. Better Control
  4. Reduced Escape Risk
  5. Conclusion