Why cats unroll toilet paper: Learn more about your pet's habits

31.08.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Cats unrolling toilet paper is a common and amusing behavior that many cat owners have observed. 

While there isn't a single definitive answer for why cats do this, there are several theories that can help explain this behavior.

Let's find out more!


Cats are naturally curious and playful animals. 

The rolling and unrolling motion of the toilet paper can be enticing to them, resembling the movement of prey or objects they like to chase. 

bathroom cat

The rustling sound and the tactile sensation of the paper unraveling can provide entertainment and mental stimulation for them.


Cats often engage in attention-seeking behaviors to interact with their owners. 

If a cat has learned that unrolling toilet paper gets a reaction, such as laughter or scolding, they might repeat the behavior to elicit a response from their human companions.


Cats use their paws to explore and interact with their environment. 

The texture of the toilet paper might be interesting and novel to them, prompting them to investigate by scratching, batting, or unrolling it.

Sensory Stimulation

Cats have a highly developed sense of touch, and the sensation of the toilet paper unraveling between their paws may provide a satisfying tactile experience.

Instinctual Behavior

In the wild, cats might engage in similar behaviors while playing with or hunting small animals. 

Unrolling toilet paper could be a manifestation of these natural instincts, as they mimic the motions involved in capturing and manipulating prey.


Cats that are bored or lack stimulation might resort to engaging in quirky behaviors like unrolling toilet paper as a way to alleviate their boredom.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Playfulness
  2. Attention-Seeking
  3. Exploration
  4. Sensory Stimulation
  5. Instinctual Behavior
  6. Boredom