Why pets steal food: Curious pet habits

18.10.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

You can feed your pet ten times a day, but if it wants to steal some food from you, then it will do it - it's just a strange habit lots of them have.

It's often not about hunger - it's like a game for them, so they won't stop doing it even when fed well.

Here are a few reasons why your pet might do it.

They are curious

Firstly, they have a natural curiosity. 

They like to investigate their surroundings, and when they come across something that smells good or looks tasty, they might want to try it. 


It's like when you see a new snack at a friend's house and you're curious to taste it.

Smell is delicious

Secondly, some pets have a strong sense of smell. When they catch a whiff of something delicious, they can't resist checking it out. 

This is especially true for dogs, who have an excellent sense of smell.

No boundaries

Additionally, pets might steal food because they don't understand that it's not allowed. 

They don't have the same understanding of rules as humans do. 

They might think, "This looks yummy, I want it!" without realizing that it's off-limits. 

It's similar to when a small child sees a candy jar and takes a piece without asking.


So, it's a combination of curiosity, a keen sense of smell, and a lack of understanding about human rules that can lead pets to try to grab some food when they shouldn't.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. They are curious
  2. Smell is delicious
  3. No boundaries
  4. Conclusion