

Rust - dark red stains appear in places of frequent contact of plumbing surfaces with water (leaking toilet tank, metal pipes without zinc coating). The presence of rust also indicates an increased iron content in tap water.

Diana Dashkevich sink rust cleaning mistakes cleaning tips Helpful tips 19 December 2023

Before washing, it is advisable to place the mat in a case or wrap it in a pillowcase so that it does not damage the drum.

Diana Dashkevich rugs carpet advices cleaning tips Helpful tips 16 December 2023

Therefore, a bath mat must be moisture resistant, that is, it should not rot or deform when exposed to moisture.

Diana Dashkevich rugs cleaning cleaning tips lifehacks Helpful tips 15 December 2023

Shower curtains are essential - they protect your bathroom floor from water every time you take a shower keeping your bathroom clean. While they're typically made of water-resistant materials, they can collect dirt over time, so you have to replace them regularly.

Kate Yakimchuk shower curtain cleaning tips shower hygiene Helpful tips 14 December 2023

The wet zones of your house have to be the cleanest, but they also tend to become dirty way faster. These zones of your house tend to collect dust and dirt a lot, and they also are more likely to collect and produce bad odors.

Kate Yakimchuk kitchen cleaning wet zones cleaning tips Helpful tips 5 December 2023

Bathrooms can become as dusty as other rooms in your house, but sometimes it can be even more noticeable. It happens because of white toilets and baths, and it becomes even more noticeable if you have light-colored tiles.

Kate Yakimchuk dust cleaning Helpful tips 14 November 2023

One of the most unpleasant things that can happen to your toilet is leaking corrugation - it can bring lots of troubles. Leakage can cause mold, floor damage, and lots of other things that can damage your house, so it's better to fix it quickly.

Kate Yakimchuk corrugation toilet fixing leak tips Helpful tips 11 November 2023

Every person who cleans their house regularly has plenty of chemicals and cleaning detergents, and sometimes it's hard to find a storage place for them. Most people store these items in bathrooms, but what if your bathroom is too small to put a special cabinet for all these supplies?

Kate Yakimchuk storage chemicals tips Helpful tips 10 November 2023

Bathrooms are always full of labels because of all the shampoos, shower gels, and conditioners you store there. Different tube designs can clash and make your batroom less visually appealing, but you can fix it!

Kate Yakimchuk supplies storage tips House Design 7 November 2023

Bathroom is a wet zone, so it collects dirt pretty quickly and requires regular cleaning. Floor tiles can collect lots of dust and dirt, and you should clean them without damagin the tiles.

Kate Yakimchuk tiles cleaning Helpful tips 31 October 2023

The bathtub should be cleaned daily, after each use. Once a week you need to carry out general cleaning using narrowly targeted products - from rust and limescale. Cleaning products must be thoroughly washed off the surface of the bathtub.

Diana Dashkevich cleaning bathtub Helpful tips 31 October 2023

Have you ever seen any trendy pictures of these aesthetically pleasing bathrooms? If your bathroom looks nothing like them, then you can fix it - just use our tips on how to achieve that!

Kate Yakimchuk aesthetics interior tips House Design 22 October 2023

Even simple items like shower curtains can be stylish, so they can make or break the aesthetics of your bathroom. Nowadays, you can find plenty of different options to choose from in terms of colors, materials, and designs - and it's great!

Kate Yakimchuk shower curtains choosing House Design 21 October 2023

Modern acrylic baths have some benefits - they are light, cheap, and they often look pretty nice. Meanwhile, it's often pretty hard to maintain them clean, because they seem to attract stubborn stains.

Kate Yakimchuk bath cleaning tips Helpful tips 11 October 2023

The easiest way to remove fresh stains is to pour two packets of citric acid into the toilet. You can leave the powder overnight and then wipe off the rusty areas with a brush.

Diana Dashkevich cleaning rust lifehacks Helpful tips 30 September 2023

Therefore, if you want your bathroom to look presentable, you will have to pay attention to furniture made of MDF, stone or wood. Fiberboard is the most preferred material of most furniture manufacturers.

Diana Dashkevich interior design interior tips House Design 27 September 2023
mosaic tiles

Tile mosaics can look amazing, and it looks extremely trendy nowadays - that's why you can see them pretty often these days. If you love this look, then it's pretty easy to do it on your own - you just need to do everything right.

Kate Yakimchuk tiles mosaics interior House Design 18 September 2023

Most people don't think about their bathrooms as cozy places - this room often seems to be just practical. Meanwhile, if you have kids, or just want to relax in your bath properly after a hard day at work, your bathroom is better to be nice and relaxing.

Kate Yakimchuk comfort decoration tips House Design 15 September 2023

Without a window, the bathroom is obviously more difficult to ventilate. However, this is the main condition to renew the air in the room and not allow humidity to stagnate.

Diana Dashkevich cleaning tips lifehacks Helpful tips 15 September 2023

A toilet lid is often seen as something you don't particularly need - some modern toilet models don't even have them. Meanwhile, they can actually be extremely useful - so you better keep them closed when your toilet isn't being used.

Kate Yakimchuk toilet lids hygiene tips Helpful tips 12 September 2023