Foam on broth: why you need to remove it during the cooking

21.04.2022 07:00

Young housewives or convinced bachelors inexperienced in culinary delights often ignore the appearance of foam on the broth.

As many people know, it is better to remove the ugly gray plaque or foam that forms.

At least this soup looks unappetizing and still does not turn out to be transparent.

Why remove the foam from the broth

Someone does this, guided by aesthetic issues , someone is sure that along with the foam, antibiotics that were stuffed into the animal during life pop up.

But in a real situation, the foam formed on the surface of the boiling soup is a curdled protein.

Foto: Pixabay

The slower the heating of the liquid and the meat in it, the more protein gets into the liquid and the more lush the foam.

The foam can be of different colors. But if it is gray or brown, it means that the meat was poorly washed and contains a lot of blood.

If small particles float up with the foam, then this is the contents of bones, which is not recommended for eating, especially for children.

But most importantly, if you do not remove this plaque, then the broth and soup made from it will deteriorate much faster.

In addition, the foam gives the soup a not particularly pleasant smell and bitterness.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource