How to quickly cook whole beets in a saucepan: tricks of advanced housewives

26.03.2022 07:15

Boiled beets are found in the ingredients of many popular dishes, so housewives are looking for simple ways to speed up the cooking time without losing quality.

Many people use popular tricks to avoid boiling beets for hours.

How can you speed up the cooking time?

Take a small root crop, carefully clean it of sand and dirt, send it to boiling water. Together with the root crop, it is worth pouring a teaspoon of sugar into the pan and adding a crust of black bread.

There should not be too much liquid, however, in the process of boiling water, you can add it from the kettle while hot.

Wait 25 minutes.

Foto: Pixabay

Then transfer the beets to another container and send to the sink. Open the cold water faucet and let the beets soak for 15 minutes.

This time will be quite enough for the beets to turn out tasty.

In addition, this method of cooking allows you to save important vitamins and nutrients.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource