The trick that makes fried fish tastier: it's all about one ingredient that needs to be put in the pan before frying

20.03.2022 23:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 15:42

There are many ways to cook fish, but frying is the most popular.

The meal is prepared simply and quickly. Usually, the fillet is coated in a flour and proceed to frying.

At the same time, the dish turns out to be tasty, but quite familiar.

For this reason, some housewives have found a way to make the fish even richer and more interesting.

Not every amateur knows about this method of cooking.

Foto: Pixabay

To do this, you need to prepare only one additional ingredient.

It's about garlic. The fact is that the addition of this product can significantly improve the taste of any seafood.

The fine cut product can be added to the coating, but then the taste of the fish will not be revealed to the maximum.

For this reason, it is worth using garlic a little differently. Chefs prefer to fry a few cloves in a hot frying pan.

Then this component is removed, and fish is put in its place. Further preparation takes place according to the classic recipe.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource