What to roll the onion in so that it becomes golden and does not burn in the pan: many housewives do not know about this simple trick

09.04.2022 07:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 21:42

Fried onions are a dish adored by many gourmets.

It is difficult to find a person who refuses meat with a fried vegetable that has a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

It is even better if, as a result of frying, the onion has acquired an appetizing appearance. It's about golden brown.

However, in some cases, the dish does not come out the way the housewife planned to make it.

Sometimes the onions don't turn golden for some reason. It is usually pointless to wait for the desired color to appear: the chopped vegetable will only burn.

Foto: Pixabay

How to pretreat an onion

If the housewife wants the golden color to appear on the fried vegetable, then before going to the pan, the onion must be rolled in flour.

Powdered sugar can also be used as a kind of "breading".

In these cases, the onion will become ruddy and will not burn. It will be possible to achieve the desired result even if you make a mistake with the amount of oil used and the power of fire.

An even easier way

However, it is not necessary to roll the onion to make it golden.

It is enough just to add a little granulated sugar to the vegetable in the pan, then mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. The result will be the appearance of the desired color without the risk of burning.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. How to pretreat an onion
  2. An even easier way