Why add sugar during the preparation of dumplings: an amazing idea

05.04.2022 17:15

Everyone loves dumplings and cooks them in different ways.

Someone likes store-bought, someone only homemade, someone with sour cream, and someone with sugar.

Cooks say that it is this atypical additive that makes dumplings with meat noticeably tastier, and the recipe is called almost perfect. We'll tell you what's what.

To prepare dumplings in a new recipe, you will need:

  • the dumplings themselves;
  • soy sauce;
  • sugar.

How to cook

To begin with, the dumplings should thaw a little so that they are not completely hard and not completely thawed.

Foto: Pixabay

We take a frying pan, heat vegetable oil on it and lay dumplings on it.

Fry them until golden brown, then put them on a plate.

Wash the pan, and then dry it and heat it over a fire.

Take soy sauce, add sugar to it, to taste, mix and pour into a pan.

Next, pour the dumplings into the pan and simmer them under the lid until cooked.

Serve hot to the table.

Bon Appetit!

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource