Why millet porridge is bitter: a trick that will help you cook the perfect porridge

23.03.2022 07:15
Updated: 26.03.2022 11:49

Millet porridge is a healthy and affordable dish.

Some housewives may complain that such porridge can be bitter.

This happens because of the mistakes that inexperienced cooks make during cooking.

However, the situation can be corrected quite easily.

The fact is that before cooking, cereals should be thoroughly washed.

millet porridg
Foto: Pixabay

For this procedure, you must use hot and cold water. Boiling the liquid is not necessary in this case.

The product should first be poured with hot water for 20 minutes, and then rinsed under running water. Then again, you need to pour the cereal for 20 minutes.

Skillful housewives recommend repeating the procedure three times. As soon as the water ceases to be cloudy, and the grains become softer, then you can proceed to cooking.

It is also worth adding that some cooks recommend soaking millet for 4-6 hours.

During this time, the grains will swell and give up all the dust. Then the cereal can be washed and proceed to cooking.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource