

Not every relationship has a future. Some couples don't realize that their relationship may actually be doomed.

Diana Dashkevich relationship abuse psychologist tips Psychology 19 February 2024

Treatment of this pathology primarily occurs using psychotherapy methods.

Diana Dashkevich mental health personality Psychology 19 February 2024

Finland is the happiest country in the world according to the World Happiness Report 2023. But aside from moving across the ocean, experts agree that there are ways to improve your own happiness, no matter where you live.

Diana Dashkevich mental health happiness psychologist tips Psychology 19 February 2024

In a recent 2023 paper, researchers found that those who experience at least 24 hours of sleep deprivation have brain scan results consistent with 1-2 years of brain aging.

Diana Dashkevich sleep brain studies Psychology 19 February 2024

Marriage requires a lot of work and effort. In the article, we will tell you what a happy marriage is based on and what it is.

Diana Dashkevich marriage happiness relationship Psychology 19 February 2024

Psychological abuse is a form of non-physical oppression. As a rule, we are not talking about one-time oppression, but about an established pattern of behavior where one person suppresses another.

Diana Dashkevich mental health violence abuse safety Psychology 16 February 2024

A healthy relationship is about mutual respect, consideration, trust and support. In this article, we will tell you more about what a healthy relationship is and what exactly it is built on.

Diana Dashkevich relationship communication mental health Psychology 15 February 2024

A little jealousy is inherent in almost all romantic relationships. However, sometimes this feeling can be a real problem. In this article we will tell you exactly why jealousy may arise in relation to another person.

Diana Dashkevich mental health jealousy psychologist tips Psychology 13 February 2024

Hormones are biologically active substances that regulate all processes in the body. They are responsible for emotions and sleep quality, metabolism and appetite, as well as growth, development, the ability to bear and give birth to children and many other functions.

Diana Dashkevich hormones happiness hormones mental health Psychology 12 February 2024

Tobiko is the caviar of the flying fish family. It is salted, pickled and used to prepare various dishes.

Diana Dashkevich food healthy food cooking cooking tips Cooking 30 January 2024

Due to the large amount of capsaicin, pepper fruits have a powerful antibacterial and antiviral effect - they kill up to 75% of harmful bacteria.

Diana Dashkevich peppers hot pepper health health facts Cooking 29 January 2024

Rhinoceros beetles are one of the most distinctive beetles in the world – their jet black color and horns are quite easy to remember. Besides their distinctive looks, they have lots of other interesting features about them.

Kate Yakimchuk insect facts beetles rhinoceros beetle nature Animals 26 January 2024

When falling in love, many people can't eat or sleep properly – they are way too nervous to do that! But how does falling in love make these simple things so hard to do?

Kate Yakimchuk in love behavior sleep patterns dieting Psychology 13 January 2024

The ancestor of the wild cow is considered to be the aurochs, which became extinct in the seventeenth century - a primitive wild bull that lived in the steppes of Africa, Asia and Europe. At first, the domestication of aurochs was carried out solely for the purpose of obtaining meat.

Diana Dashkevich pets cows animal facts evolution Animals 12 January 2024

The manic stage is often characterized by a lack of judgment. The person suffering from the disorder may engage in behavior that causes difficulties for himself and others. They may, for example, completely neglect their financial affairs or behave sexually uninhibited.

Diana Dashkevich mental health health disorder psychologist tips Psychology 12 January 2024

There are many beautiful, strong, and surprising animals in the world that are also rare – there aren't many of them left. In fact, some of them are so rare that people have to protect them by law.

Kate Yakimchuk wild nature rare animals wildlife extinction Animals 12 January 2024

Asperger's syndrome is a form of autism characterized by severe impairments in social communication and interaction.

Diana Dashkevich children child behavior health Psychology 11 January 2024

The giraffe is the tallest living mammal: its height from the ground to the forehead reaches 4.8–5.8 m, the height at the withers is 3 m, while the body length is only 2.5 m! The weight of an adult male is about 800 kg, females are smaller and weigh 550–600 kg. On the forehead of both males and females there are small horns covered with hair.

Diana Dashkevich nature wild nature wild animals animal facts Animals 11 January 2024

Being one of the most recognizable symbols of Australia, wallabies aren't that well-known around the world. These animals might be pretty much like kangaroos, but they also have some unique features helping them to stand out.

Kate Yakimchuk wallabies wild nature animal facts wildlife Animals 11 January 2024