

Do you know that lots of dinosaurs used to have feathers, just like modern birds? New research has revealed that modern bird feathers are way more similar to ancient dinosaur feathers than scientists once thought.

Kate Yakimchuk research dinosaurs history Animals 6 October 2023

Parrots are highly intelligent birds, so their mental state and mood can affect their health drastically. One of the things parrots can do when they're stressed is plucking their feathers, but it's not the only reason why your bird might lose them.

Kate Yakimchuk pets birds parrots health Animals 5 October 2023

Parrots have amazing colorful feathers that make them look bright and exotic, but sometimes they can suddenly start losing them. It's even worse when parrots pluck their feathers themselves - this behavior means that something is definitely wrong.

Kate Yakimchuk parrots birds pets health Animals 14 September 2023