Alocasia: How to Grow

08.12.2023 17:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Alocasia Polly does not have to be bought in a ready-made store; it can be grown at home from a young plant.

To do this, just select the most suitable reproduction option and you can safely begin the procedure.

In which pot is it better to grow alocasia at home

When choosing a pot, you need to take pots that are tall and not very wide; you can take tall and narrow ones, since the roots of alocasia are quite long.

If Alocasia is planted in a wide and low pot, it will very quickly need to be transferred to a new pot, and the roots will grow into the drainage holes.

What does the alocasia flower like

Alocasia Kalidora loves moisture, so you need to try to create a native tropical climate for the plant.


Spray the foliage with a spray bottle; in summer, procedures are carried out more often; in winter, it is better not to overdo it.

Temperature is the most common cause of problems with a plant; if the heating is incorrect, it begins to hurt.

Is it possible to trim the leaves of alocasia

Pruning The lower leaves of these houseplants will become less attractive over time.

Trim these old leaves to four centimeters from the base so that the plant no longer has to put effort into the ugly leaf.

This promotes the growth of new leaves.

How to speed up the growth of alocasia at home

Do not water Alocasia macrorhizoma immediately after pruning, as this can lead to infection of the plants by fungi through the wounds.

After pruning, no special care is required.

The plant may benefit from light watering and some liquid plant food to encourage new growth.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. In which pot is it better to grow alocasia at home
  2. What does the alocasia flower like
  3. Is it possible to trim the leaves of alocasia
  4. How to speed up the growth of alocasia at home