Basic tools that every gardener needs: Things you need to buy first to start this hobby

13.08.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Every gardener, whether a beginner or experienced, should have a set of basic tools to effectively care for plants, maintain a garden, and tackle various gardening tasks. 

These essential tools help make gardening more efficient, enjoyable, and successful. 

Here are some basic tools every gardener needs.

Hand Trowel

A hand trowel is a small, handheld tool with a pointed blade used for digging, planting, and transplanting small plants, bulbs, and seedlings.

Pruning Shears

Also known as secateurs or hand pruners, pruning shears are essential for cutting and trimming plants, shrubs, and small branches.

gardening tools

Garden Gloves

Sturdy and protective gloves shield your hands from dirt, thorns, and sharp edges while working in the garden.


A hoe is used for cultivating the soil, removing weeds, and breaking up compacted dirt. 

It comes in various shapes and sizes for different tasks.


A garden rake helps level soil, spread mulch, and gather leaves and debris. 

It comes in handy for preparing planting beds and maintaining the garden's appearance.

Watering Can or Hose

Proper watering is crucial for plant health. 

A watering can or hose helps you provide a consistent water supply to your plants.

Wheelbarrow or Garden Cart

These tools are essential for transporting soil, mulch, plants, and other heavy items around the garden. 

They save time and effort during various gardening tasks.

Garden Knife

A versatile tool for various tasks, such as cutting twine, opening bags of soil, and dividing plants.

Garden Sprayer

Useful for applying fertilizers, pesticides, or treatments to plants in a controlled manner.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Hand Trowel
  2. Pruning Shears
  3. Garden Gloves
  4. Hoe
  5. Rake
  6. Watering Can or Hose
  7. Wheelbarrow or Garden Cart
  8. Garden Knife
  9. Garden Sprayer