Beetroot: Proper Growing and Care

15.10.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Beets love loose, soft soil; for active growth, they need the roots to breathe freely.

Beets of medium ripeness become ripe in 80-110 days.

Where do beets like to grow

Where is the best place to plant beets - choosing a location.

Since this is a heat-loving plant, beets love a well-lit place when planted by the sun.

The area should be loose and not shaded.


Do I need to pinch beets

When planting seedlings in the ground, you need to pinch it by a third or a quarter, and then the strength of the vegetable will go directly to the “head”, but not to the root.

It is also important to understand that beets do not tolerate acidic soils.

To neutralize the soil, you need to sprinkle ash under this root crop once a season.

What needs to be done to make beets large

When beets grow, you need to water them with a solution: 1 teaspoon of salt per bucket of water.

In addition, for a good taste of root vegetables, you need to fertilize with mullein infusion and wood ash (3 cups per 1 sq. m).

In addition to nutrition, ash also reduces the acidity of the soil, which harms the beets.

What not to plant near beets

It is better to plant peppers next to onions, garlic, parsley and carrots, but it is undesirable to plant them with fennel.

Beets will go well with cabbage, onions, carrots, cucumbers, and lettuce.

But it’s better not to plant it next to potatoes and beans.

In what month are beets dug

The optimal time to harvest beets is three to four months.

If you planted fruits of a late-ripening variety, you need to wait until 135-140 days, that is, almost five months.

The mid-season harvest is harvested in late August and early September.

Late-ripening crops should be dug up at the end of September or mid-October.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where do beets like to grow
  2. Do I need to pinch beets
  3. What needs to be done to make beets large
  4. What not to plant near beets
  5. In what month are beets dug