Bird cherry facts: Know more about your plants

21.11.2023 04:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Your garden is a perfect place to plant and grow lots of beautiful and useful plants, including bird cherry.

While it's not the first choice for many people, this plant can actually be beneficial, and it can also be quite interesting.

Here are some bird cherry facts that gardeners should know.

Bird Cherry Berries Aren't for Birds Only

While the name suggests they're just for our feathered friends, bird cherries are actually edible for humans too! 

However, they're pretty bitter, so birds seem to enjoy them more.


They Can Smell a Bit Like Almonds

The leaves of bird cherry trees have a special scent that some people describe as similar to almonds. 

It's not something you'd expect from a tree!

Not Your Regular Cherries

The cherries on a bird cherry tree might look like regular cherries, but they are smaller and more tart. 

People don't usually make pies or jams with them, but birds find them tasty.

They Help Butterflies Grow

Bird cherry trees are like a cafeteria for caterpillars! 

The caterpillars of certain butterflies, like the poplar hawk-moth, love munching on the leaves of these trees.

They've Been Around a Long Time

Bird cherry trees have been part of our landscapes for a very, very long time. 

They're native to Europe and Asia and have been growing in these places for thousands of years.

Tiny Flowers, Big Impact

The flowers of bird cherry trees might be small, but when they bloom in clusters, they create a lovely, fragrant display. 

It's like a sweet-smelling party for the senses!

They Can Grow Almost Anywhere

Bird cherry trees are hardy. They can handle different types of soil and even tough weather conditions. 

That's why you might find them growing in various places, from gardens to the wild.

Symbol of Protection in Folklore

In some cultures, bird cherry trees are seen as protectors. 

People believed planting them near homes could guard against evil spirits.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Bird Cherry Berries Aren't for Birds Only
  2. They Can Smell a Bit Like Almonds
  3. Not Your Regular Cherries
  4. They Help Butterflies Grow
  5. They've Been Around a Long Time
  6. Tiny Flowers, Big Impact
  7. They Can Grow Almost Anywhere
  8. Symbol of Protection in Folklore