Camellia: Growing and Care

30.10.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Camellia japonica comes from China and likes a warm, humid environment, but not high temperatures.

Where to plant camellia in the garden

Location and lighting. It is best to choose the western or eastern part of the site for shrubs, where there is plenty of sunlight.

If the plant is planted on the north side, it will suffer due to lack of sun, which may prevent the start of the budding process.

How to plant camellia

When planting a camellia, it should be placed slightly above ground level in the area to allow excess water to drain from the base of the seedling, moistening the entire area of the root system.

You should not place the plant in places where it will compete for nutrients from the soil.


How to properly plant camellia in a pot

The plant has a weak root system, try not to damage it.

Place the plant in a new pot, where a layer of drainage and soil up to 2/3 of the pot was previously poured.

Sprinkle the roots of the camellia with soil, without covering the root collar, it should remain on the surface, After replanting water thoroughly.

How to water camellia

Camellia uses moisture from the soil throughout the growing season.

When growing camellias in containers, water once a week, thoroughly moistening the soil, and in winter, reduce watering to 10 days between waterings.

Before watering, test the soil with a spade or finger.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where to plant camellia in the garden
  2. How to plant camellia
  3. How to properly plant camellia in a pot
  4. How to water camellia