Cherry plum: Secrets of growing

28.01.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

It is recommended to grow plum and cherry plum fruit trees on the south side of the site, taking into account its shade by buildings and other plants, the depth of groundwater, protection from the wind and the nature of the soil.

How to choose a cherry plum seedling

It would be best to choose cherry plum seedlings of hybrid varieties or those adapted to your region.

It is best to choose self-fertile varieties, otherwise you will have to look for its pollinators along with the cherry plum.

Why does cherry plum dry out

Cherry plum drops its fruits due to lack of moisture, fertilizers or the invasion of diseases and pests.

The first reason is the most common - many people think that an adult tree does not need watering, but this is not true.


 In addition, the plant urgently needs moisture, especially at a time when it spends all its energy on the harvest.

Why do cherry plum fruits fall off

An individual sawfly makes its way inside the ovary and devours the seed, after which it eats away the flesh.

Plums and cherry plums cannot withstand such an invasion and begin to crumble.

The codling moth makes passages in immature shoots, which causes the stems to wither and the fruits to fall off.

This pest is not averse to eating the fruits themselves.

Previously, we told you how to grow zucchini.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to choose a cherry plum seedling
  2. Why does cherry plum dry out
  3. Why do cherry plum fruits fall off