Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Almonds

01.10.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

They choose a sunny area for almond trees, although they grow well in partial shade, but the seedlings must be protected from drafts and strong winds.

The best soil for almonds is water- and breathable chernozems, sandy or loamy soils with a high lime content - optimal pH 7.7.

Is it possible to grow a tree from an almond nut

As you can see, growing an almond tree from a seed is a completely doable task.

The main thing is to choose a suitable zoned variety and properly prepare planting material.

Even a beginner in gardening can germinate and transfer it to open ground.


At what age do almonds bear fruit

It begins to bear fruit at four to five years of age, fruiting continues for 30–50 years, and lives up to 130 years.

Propagated by seeds, root suckers and stump shoots. Tolerates frosts down to −25 °C.

How many almonds can you harvest from one tree

Trees begin to bear fruit in the 1st–3rd year after planting; full fruiting occurs in the 8th–9th year.

During the period of full fruiting, one tree produces up to 20 kg of nuts or about 40 c/ha.

How to grow almonds correctly

After planting, the root collar of each seedling should be 1.5 - 2 cm above ground level.

Almonds are well watered and mulched with straw or freshly cut grass with a layer of 5 cm.

Further care consists of regular watering and fertilizing.

In the first month after planting, the plants are watered twice a week (in clear weather).

How often to water an almond tree

Watering a tree such as the common almond depends on its stage of growth, local weather and soil conditions.

Before budding (in mid-spring), it should be watered thoroughly once.

From mid-spring until autumn it should be watered every month.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to grow a tree from an almond nut
  2. At what age do almonds bear fruit
  3. How many almonds can you harvest from one tree
  4. How to grow almonds correctly
  5. How often to water an almond tree