Gardening Secrets: Phacelia

26.09.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

To plant green manure in rows, make shallow (2-3 cm) furrows at a distance of 7-10 cm.

Scatter phacelia seeds at the rate of 150-200 g per hundred square meters and weed them.

For scatter sowing, it is convenient to mix the seeds with sand to disperse them evenly. After sowing, the land is harrowed with a rake, covering the seeds.

How long does it take for phacelia to grow

The seeds are oblong-oval, dark brown.

Phacelia ripening period: The growing season from germination to the beginning of flowering is 40-48 days, until the seeds are fully ripened - 90-98 days.


How to water phacelia

The plant will need watering only during the growth period and only during very dry periods.

At normal times, there will be enough moisture in the soil of phacelia.

After planting, the plant will not require your attention until digging or planting other crops.

Phacelia tansy requires regular watering throughout the growing season.

Starting in spring, you should plan to water this plant about once a week.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How long does it take for phacelia to grow
  2. How to water phacelia