Gardening tips that don't work: Myths, not facts

16.07.2023 18:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

While gardening tips and tricks abound, not all of them prove effective or yield the desired results. 

It's important to approach gardening advice with a critical mindset. 

Here are a few examples of gardening tips that may not actually work as intended.

Using dish soap as a pesticide

Some suggest using a mixture of dish soap and water as a homemade insecticide

While it can help control certain pests, it may also harm beneficial insects and disrupt the natural balance of your garden. 


It's advisable to explore alternative pest control methods or consult with gardening experts.

Using eggshells to deter slugs

The idea behind this tip is that slugs dislike crawling over sharp edges. 

However, the effectiveness of eggshells as a slug deterrent is minimal. 

Slugs can still navigate around them or even hide beneath the shells. 

Other methods, like creating barriers or using specialized slug control techniques, are typically more effective.

Using coffee grounds as a soil amendment

While coffee grounds can provide some benefits to the soil, such as adding organic matter, they are not a universal remedy. 

Contrary to popular belief, coffee grounds do not significantly alter soil pH or deter pests like slugs. 

It's best to use them in moderation and combine them with other compost materials for a well-balanced soil amendment.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Using dish soap as a pesticide
  2. Using eggshells to deter slugs
  3. Using coffee grounds as a soil amendment