Growing Decorative Sunflowers Is Different: Gardening Insights

24.12.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Not only different types of plants, but even varieties might require different conditions to thrive.

For instance, decorative sunflowers are quite different from regular ones, and a keen gardener has to know it.

Here are a few things that differentiate decorative sunflowers from regular ones in terms of taking care of them.

Planting Density

Regular sunflowers require more spacing between plants to allow each to develop a substantial number of seeds.

Decorative sunflowers can be planted more closely together as the focus is on the appearance of the flower heads rather than seed production.


Care for Seeds

Regular sunflowers need dedicated care to support the development of mature seeds. 

Adequate nutrients and water are crucial for seed maturation.

While seeds are present, the emphasis of growing decorative sunflowers is on maintaining the appearance of the flower heads. 

Care may focus more on overall plant health and aesthetics.

Blooming Period

Bloom period of regular sunflowers may be relatively shorter, especially if the primary goal is seed production.

Decorative sunflowers are bred for a prolonged blooming period, offering an extended display of vibrant flowers for ornamental purposes.

Harvesting Practices

Regular sunflowers are harvested when seeds are mature, and the flower head begins to droop. 

Timing is critical for optimal seed quality.

Decorative sunflowers are harvested for ornamental use, often before seeds fully mature, to preserve the flower's appearance. 

Seed development may not be the primary concern.

Pest Management

Regular sunflowers require attention to pest control, especially when grown for seed production, as pests may impact seed quality.

While decorative ones are not immune to pests, the focus is on maintaining the visual appeal, and some level of pest damage may be acceptable.

Recently, we talked about growing capsicum.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Planting Density
  2. Care for Seeds
  3. Blooming Period
  4. Harvesting Practices
  5. Pest Management