Gymnocalycium: Growing and Care

20.12.2023 14:16
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Gymnocalycium is not picky about the temperature, the main thing is that there are no sudden changes or drafts.


Gymnocalycium Michanovich should be used sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out sufficiently.

Like all cacti, this species is not afraid of drought, but it has a very negative attitude towards constant flooding and can quickly rot.

Water it once or twice a week to keep the soil slightly moist.

In winter, reduce watering; just don't let the soil dry out completely;


One watering per week will be enough. In addition, it is better to use rain or distilled water for irrigation rather than tap water.

What kind of soil is needed

The plant needs slightly acidic, loose, moisture- and water-permeable soil.

This can always be purchased in our showroom.

Reproduction. The easiest way to obtain a new gymnocalycium is to cut off the lateral shoots, which are formed in large numbers on the mother plant.

How to transplant Gymnocalycium

Dig a hole in a new place and remove Gymnocalycium Mihanovich from the previous pot.

Fill around a new plant in a new location.

Gymnocalycium Michanovich prefers a well-drained mixture for cacti or succulents.

Trim off unhealthy roots before replanting.

Previously, we talked about rare types of tulips.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Watering
  2. What kind of soil is needed
  3. How to transplant Gymnocalycium