Houseplants: Arrowroot

15.09.2023 13:02
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

It is best to place the arrowroot flower on the eastern or western side of the apartment, since the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight - the light should be bright, but diffused.

How many years does arrowroot live

Arrowroots live 3 – 5 years with proper care, then the bush needs rejuvenation.

The plant is absolutely harmless to children and pets.

Planting and caring for arrowroot

Temperature: in summer – 22-24 ˚C, in winter – 16-18 ˚C.

Watering: the soil should be slightly moist all the time.


Humidity: high. It is recommended to spray the leaves daily in hot weather and keep the plant on a tray with damp sphagnum moss.

How to water arrowroot correctly

Maranta reed water is not drought resistant and requires a moist environment.

During the growing season in spring and summer, the plant must be watered once a day.

Water the soil thoroughly, draining any excess water that flows from the bottom of the pot.

Does the flower need pruning

Over the course of a year, the shoots of arrowroot become very elongated, and the bush becomes not entirely attractive.

Therefore, in order for the plant to grow neatly, you need to prune it on time.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How many years does arrowroot live
  2. Planting and caring for arrowroot
  3. How to water arrowroot correctly
  4. Does the flower need pruning