How to grow sweet and juicy plums: just follow these rules and the desired result will be achieved with ease

22.03.2024 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

The plum harvest depends on various factors.

In this article, we will tell you how to grow sweet and juicy plums.

How to grow sweet plum

The plum tree prefers well-lit areas. However, at the same time, the fruit tree also needs a little partial shade.

Therefore, choose places for draining along fences, at the boundary of the site.

This culture does not like lowlands, marshy areas and soils with groundwater lying close to the surface.


In order for the fruits to be juicy, it is important to know how to water the plum correctly.

The tree prefers moist soil. It is especially important to monitor this in the summer heat.

The soil must be moistened to depth at all times. In the hottest months, as well as during the fruiting period, plums can drink 5 buckets of water.

It develops well and produces a bountiful harvest on heavy, moist soils, but there must be good aeration.

In acidic soils, plum trees die.

Previously, we told you why cucumber leaves turn yellow.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource