Iceberg lettuce: How to grow it yourself

21.10.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Head lettuce "Iceberg" resembles white cabbage - it has greenish-whitish, crisp, juicy leaves with a fine-toothed edge, collected into a dense round head of medium or large size, weighing up to a kilogram or more.

Can it be grown at home

Growing an Iceberg at home is not so difficult - the main thing is to provide it with good conditions.

Salads do not like direct sunlight, so they need to be protected from burns.

In addition, it is important to strictly follow the watering schedule, otherwise the leaves will begin to fade.

How does iceberg lettuce grow

Since lettuce is a cold-resistant crop, and its seeds are able to germinate at low positive temperatures, it is sown in the field as soon as the soil is ripe.


Seeds are sown at a distance of 5 to 7 cm from each other in a row on 1 m ridges.

The seeding rate is 300,000-400,000 seeds/ha.

How quickly do lettuce seeds germinate

Very sensitive lettuce plants and seedlings immediately react to poor soil.

The seeds do not need to be planted. The cassettes are watered and covered with film until germination.

At an optimal temperature of 16-17 degrees, seedlings will appear in 2 days.

How to grow lettuce in a glass

If you grow lettuce in separate cups, then place one seed per glass.

In a large box, make furrows with a width of 15 cm between them and plant the seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other.

Lightly sprinkle the seeds with soil and gently press the soil with your hands.

Spray the soil with seeds from a spray bottle.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Can it be grown at home
  2. How does iceberg lettuce grow
  3. How quickly do lettuce seeds germinate
  4. How to grow lettuce in a glass