Indoor Plants: How to Grow a Calathea Properly

04.09.2023 13:01
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

The main condition for the normal development of plants is air humidity. It should be high enough all year round.

Be sure to spray the plants daily with a fine mesh sprayer with clean water (calcium and chlorine free).

The calathea pot should stand on damp pebbles or moss (no overt water).

Planting and caring for calathea

Lighting: light penumbra. Temperature: normal for residential premises, but not lower than 16 ˚C.

Watering: plentiful during the growing season, moderate in winter.


Humidity: 90%: It is recommended to spray the leaves regularly with a fine mist sprayer or keep the calathea on a wet pebble tray.

Reproduction of calathea leaf

The least common and perhaps the least reliable is the method of propagating calathea with a leaf.

In this case, one large healthy leaf is separated and planted in a special substrate. From above, the sheet is covered with glass until it roots.

Is it possible to spray calathea

Calathea should be sprayed regularly, especially in the winter season. Calathea should be removed from central heating batteries in winter as far as possible.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Planting and caring for calathea
  2. Reproduction of calathea leaf