Interesting Plants: How to Grow Vanilla

23.07.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

Vanilla is obtained from the pods of the vanilla orchid (or flat leaf vanilla). At home, it is grown extremely rarely. And yet it happens.

What conditions are needed to grow vanilla

Vanilla needs a tropical climate, so you'll need sunlight, warmth, space, and humidity to grow it. If you live in the Southern US, Australia, or other warm climates, you should be able to grow vanilla without additional buildings.

Pot and soil

It is very important to provide Vanilla with a suitable substrate. Unlike most other epiphytes, this plant needs a more nutrient-dense soil. Therefore, it is desirable to “enrich” the finished substrate for orchids with garden soil, which must first be disinfected.

A long stem needs good support. For example, a stand for climbing plants. You can also use hanging pots. Product samples are presented on the site in the relevant sections.

How fast does vanilla grow

The fruits are long green pods containing small seeds. The plant bears fruit in the third year, and the pods fully grow after 9 months.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What conditions are needed to grow vanilla
  2. Pot and soil
  3. How fast does vanilla grow