Plant hilling: Gardening advice

22.09.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you're new to gardening, then you've probably heard of plant hilling, but have you heard about how beneficial it is?

Plant hilling is a gardening technique where you pile up soil or mulch around the base of a plant. 

This creates a small hill or mound of soil around the plant's stem, and it can be quite useful.


Hilling helps stabilize plants, especially those that tend to grow tall or become top-heavy. It prevents them from falling over in the wind or heavy rain.

Root Protection

By covering the lower part of the stem, hilling protects the plant's roots from exposure to sunlight and potential damage. 

garden beds

This can help the plant grow better.

Weed Control

The mound of soil can act as a barrier to prevent weeds from growing around the plant, reducing competition for nutrients and water.

Improved Drainage

Hilling can improve drainage around the plant's base, preventing water from pooling and potentially causing root rot.

Temperature Regulation

It can help regulate soil temperature, keeping it cooler in hot weather and warmer in cooler weather, which is beneficial for some plants.


Knowing more about different gardening methods and techniques like hilling can help you make your plants more stable, healthy, and strong.

Use them wisely!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Stability
  2. Root Protection
  3. Weed Control
  4. Improved Drainage
  5. Temperature Regulation
  6. Conclusion