Preparing and storing tomato seeds: Gardening tips

23.09.2023 17:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you have a good harvest of tomatoes, then you can save some seeds to plant them later - it can save you lots of money!

The key is to prepare and store your seeds correctly, so they can stay perfect for planting for months or even years.

Here are a few tips for you on how to achieve that.

Select Ripe Tomatoes

Choose fully ripe and healthy tomatoes from your garden or a local market. Make sure they are the type you want to grow.

Extract Seeds

Cut the tomatoes in half horizontally (across the middle). Then, use your finger or a spoon to scoop out the seeds along with the surrounding gel and pulp.

tomato seeds

Ferment the Seeds

Place the seeds, along with the gel and pulp, in a small container like a jar. 

Add a bit of water to cover them. Cover the container loosely with a lid or cloth.

Let Them Ferment

Allow the seeds to ferment for a few days, typically around 2-4 days. 

During this time, the mixture will develop a somewhat unpleasant odor, but this fermentation process helps remove the gel from the seeds.

Rinse and Dry

After fermentation, pour the mixture into a fine sieve or strainer. 

Rinse the seeds thoroughly under running water while rubbing them gently to remove any remaining gel.

Dry the Seeds

Spread the cleaned seeds on a paper towel, coffee filter, or a glass plate. Leave them to air dry for about a week. 

Make sure they are completely dry before storing.

Use Envelopes or Small Packets

Once the seeds are dry, store them in small paper envelopes, coin envelopes, or paper packets. 

You can label each packet with the tomato variety and the date.

Keep Them Cool and Dry

Store these envelopes in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. 

A cool, dark cupboard or a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator works well.


Ferment your seeds and let them dry - so they can help you get a new amazing tomato harvest later!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Select Ripe Tomatoes
  2. Extract Seeds
  3. Ferment the Seeds
  4. Let Them Ferment
  5. Rinse and Dry
  6. Dry the Seeds
  7. Use Envelopes or Small Packets
  8. Keep Them Cool and Dry
  9. Conclusion