Radishes: How to Grow

11.02.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Radishes grow well in most mineral soils. The exception is very light and too wet soils.

What do radishes need to grow

In general, light soils are better suited for growing radishes than heavy soils.

The soil with a pH reaction of 6.0–6.5 must have good water permeability, be humus (in a greenhouse or under a film, and not contain bark, sawdust, or straw).

Plant radishes when there is no snow, the sun is shining and the temperature is close to 0.

Sow radishes both in greenhouses and in polycarbonate greenhouses.


Depending on the stability of the temperature, seedlings will appear within a few days.

Radish care

Despite the unpretentiousness of the root vegetable, radishes cannot be left without attention.

Loosen the beds to deliver oxygen to the roots.

Water the radishes 3 times a week, keeping the soil moist. Do not overwater growing root crops, water in small portions.

The main root system of radishes is shallow, and large amounts of moisture can slow down the growth of radishes.

You need to wait at least one day between waterings to allow the soil to dry out slightly.

Previously we told you how to grow  strawberries.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What do radishes need to grow
  2. Radish care