Salvia: Growing and Care

12.11.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Salvia is planted in open ground in early June, when the weather is warm outside and the soil has warmed up well.

Most types of sage are considered drought-tolerant and are not threatened by direct sunlight.

What does salvia like

Salvia is a plant that loves warmth, so in our latitudes it is grown through seedlings.

Seedlings are planted in open ground after the threat of reverse frost has disappeared.

It is important to choose light, moderately fertile soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction for this plant.


Is it possible to sow salvia seeds before winter

In addition, flowers sown in autumn are much more resistant to spring frosts and diseases.

Than their counterparts grown on a windowsill or sown in the spring.

It is useless to sow annual heat-loving flowers before winter.

These are marigolds, zinnia, salvia, etc.

How to properly grow salvia seedlings

Salvia seedlings need a 12-hour day of light, so in the first 1-2 months they will have to be supplemented with light.

Water the seedlings as the soil dries out, on average once every 3-5 days, with warm, settled water.

Try not to flood the seedlings so as not to provoke the appearance of a black leg.

How long does it take for salvia to grow

Salvia is easy to care for; it loves warmth, light, and moderate moisture.

But he is afraid of frost. It takes up to 100 days from sowing to produce flowering plants.

In order to plant plants in a flower bed at the beginning of June (the period when the threat of frost has passed), the seeds must be sown no later than February.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does salvia like
  2. Is it possible to sow salvia seeds before winter
  3. How to properly grow salvia seedlings
  4. How long does it take for salvia to grow