Senecio: Secrets of Growing

20.12.2023 17:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Rowley's ragwort requires a very permeable substrate.

This plant can be planted in ready-made soil for succulents or in a mixture of universal soil with coarse sand, vermiculite and fine gravel.

How to grow

Water Senecio with soft, warm water as the top layer of soil dries, try not to pour it on the peas - a putrefactive process may begin.

During the dormant period, minimize watering, but do not overdry the earthen ball.

Priming. Senecio Rowley is suitable loose soil for succulents and cacti.


Why do ragwort leaves dry out

The leaves dry out, turn brown and die - when the room temperature is too high, when the air humidity is low, when there is insufficient watering, or when watering is irregular, as well as when they are attacked by spider mites.

How to replant a ragwort

Place Rowley's ragwort in the hole, being careful not to plant it too deep.

The top of the root ball should be level with the soil surface.

Fill the hole with soil, pressing lightly to remove any air pockets.

Immediately after transplanting, water Rowley's ragwort thoroughly.

Do I need to cut dry leaves

Dry leaves. It is necessary to inspect the plantings and promptly cut off old, withered leaves.

You shouldn’t wait until they fall off on their own, because plants have to spend resources on them instead of forming new shoots. Leaves located close to the ground.

Previously, we talked about the mistakes of growing carnations.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow
  2. Why do ragwort leaves dry out
  3. How to replant a ragwort
  4. Do I need to cut dry leaves