Signs of garden aphid: Gardening tips

01.10.2023 19:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Aphid is a garden pest that can destroy your crops - so it's better to get rid of it quickly.

To help your plants, you have to notice aphids quickly, and there are some signs that might help you.

Keep your eyes on these red flags!

Tiny Bugs

Aphids are very small insects, usually less than a quarter of an inch long. They come in various colors like green, yellow, brown, or even pink.


Aphids often gather in groups on the undersides of leaves, stems, or buds. Look for these clusters, which can make the affected plant appear crowded.


Sticky Residue

Check the leaves and stems for a sticky substance called honeydew.

Aphids excrete honeydew as they feed, and it can attract ants or cause mold to grow on your plants.

Distorted Growth

Aphids can cause leaves to curl, wilt, or become misshapen. If you notice leaves that look strange or damaged, aphids might be the culprits.

Yellowing Leaves

Aphids can suck the nutrients from plants, leading to leaves turning yellow or brown. If your green plant suddenly looks sickly, aphids could be the cause.

Black Sooty Mold

The honeydew produced by aphids can attract a black, sooty mold that grows on the affected plant's surface. This mold can make your plants look dirty.


If you see some of these signs, then it's time to use pesticides - keep your garden safe!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Tiny Bugs
  2. Clusters
  3. Sticky Residue
  4. Distorted Growth
  5. Yellowing Leaves
  6. Black Sooty Mold
  7. Conclusion